Imagine the possibilities available to you if you could reach the sky, open your eyes, and see far ahead and beyond...
I'll help you find your way.

Hi, my name is Jacqueline, and I’d like to welcome you into my world...
I am a catalyst for change. I am here to remind you of the path you have chosen but may have forgotten. I will show you where your life direction lies, your soul’s chosen journey, the unique gifts you bring from other lives, the challenges you face, and why, clearing the way to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled you.
I’ve been working as a professional Astrologer, Numerologist, and Clairsentient for more than 25 years, helping people just like you gain self-awareness and insight into understanding and finding their life direction. My scope of work has given me the opportunity to engage with people from all walks of life; from celebrities to mothers with difficult teenagers, businessmen, and women in need of career advise, as well as relationship counselling. I have written for magazines, been involved in radio talk-back shows, taught, and continue to run courses on Numerology and Astrology, helping students gain an in-depth understanding of their life purpose.
My interest in the metaphysical world began at an early age, having had mystical experiences, communication with spirit, and receiving valuable messages through dreams. I am able to view the specific lessons each one of us has come to learn, in order to reach a better understanding of our life’s purpose. Through awareness and insight, I will help you transform your life.

"What I love about Jacquie’s readings is the in-depth detail that she shares about your life, being the past, present, or future. Jacquie is able to bring all the information about your life and let you know when is the best time for you to start something or end it. It is like having an upper hand in life. She shares precious information about ourselves that otherwise, we would not be aware of. When I had my reading, I was blown away by how accurate Jacquie was in explaining the type of person I am. Not only can she help guide you, but the beauty of all this is it is all written in the stars! Thank you so much Jacquie for all your wisdom."
Professional Dancer
"I met Jacquie at a time in my life when I had lost all hope and direction. Years of disappointments and bad choices saw me turning to drugs and gambling. She was able to unveil the shroud I had woven around me, and what I saw was no longer the broken man whose life was a tragedy, but a man who did not understand the gifts and blessings that lay within him. Now I am twelve months sober. I have reconnected with my family and have started to see life as an experience where I have the steering wheel firmly in my hands and can make it move in any direction I choose. She has given me this feeling of empowerment that makes you feel that the sky is the limit."
"Meeting Jacquie was like a breath of fresh air. With her approach to her work, she has brought light into my life and shown me the next step in my journey. She has helped me resolve childhood issues that unbeknown to me at the time were holding me back from moving forward. I have been able to move on and step up in my life. I am grateful to have met her, and the biggest lesson she has taught me is that through facing my challenges and fears I now know I am on the right path."